(732) 845-0100
Manalapan (732) 845-0100
Keep your feet healthy. This is the perfect time to pay attention to your feet and make sure your feet are in great shape.
Have your feet examined for early symptoms that can reveal abnormalities, such as diabetes, vascular problems, or arthritis. Check your arch. If your arch is lowering, this can lead to biomechanical problems and eventual collapse. This can be prevented with early intervention and by avoiding abnormalities that result from flat feet. Foot pain is never normal. If you’re in pain, don’t ignore it; your feet are trying to tell you something. Check skin and nails for signs of infection or other abnormalities. Excessive dryness, redness, or cracking of skin or nails might be a sign of an underlying medical issue. Thickening and yellow nails are abnormal; these can be a result of a local infection or a systemic problem.
It won’t be long until it’s sandal season, and you’ll want your feet to be beach and sandal ready. It’s never too early to treat problems to make sure you look good in sandals and on the beach.